Study Workbook Package for NBC-HWC Certifying Exam Preparation


A 56-page digital download including both a workbook to actively prepare for the National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach Certifying Exam. This workbook includes 15 activities that guide you through self-study and active study methodology. There is also a bonus study guide outlining the coaching core competencies, key resources, references, and some summaries of content included. You will be guided through 15 weeks of unique and creative activities to actively engage with the material; applying neuroscience and learning retention strategy in HOW you study to help optimize your brain and your time for the test. Also included is a 14-week sample study plan mapping out a pathway of studying for the exam, how to use the activity schedule, and access to virtual flash cards.

This resource is best used where the coach has at least 4-6 weeks or more to actively prepare for the exam.
It is not designed as a passive reading-only resource; the activities are designed to actively “work” in the material for deeper learning benefits.

Due to the nature of digital products, this is a non-refundable purchase.

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This digital download is for the sole purchaser of the file and cannot be copied or distributed in any way.

Package of 3 Practice Tests for NBC-HWC Certifying Exam Preparation
Practice Test for NBC-HWC Certifying Exam
Version #3 - Practice Test for NBC-HWC Certifying Exam
Version #2: Practice Test for NBC-HWC Certifying Exam