ICF Credentialing Exam Practice Test
Are you interested in taking a practice exam first?
Test your readiness for the ICF Credentialing Exam here.
This exam is timed and reflects similar pace to the actual exam.
You will have 31 minutes to complete 34 situational judgement style questions; identifying the best and worst in each of the scenarios.
You will have access to take each test more than once. The answers and your score is available immediately after you complete each test.
You will have access to follow up with Melissa Pylypchuk, ICF PCC Mentor Coach to discuss your results following.
Note: These questions are not the exact questions you’ll see on the ICF exam, but is an activity designed to support you in preparation of using the core competencies and format.
Due to the nature of digital products, this is a non-refundable purchase.
Are you interested in taking a practice exam first?
Test your readiness for the ICF Credentialing Exam here.
This exam is timed and reflects similar pace to the actual exam.
You will have 31 minutes to complete 34 situational judgement style questions; identifying the best and worst in each of the scenarios.
You will have access to take each test more than once. The answers and your score is available immediately after you complete each test.
You will have access to follow up with Melissa Pylypchuk, ICF PCC Mentor Coach to discuss your results following.
Note: These questions are not the exact questions you’ll see on the ICF exam, but is an activity designed to support you in preparation of using the core competencies and format.
Due to the nature of digital products, this is a non-refundable purchase.
Are you interested in taking a practice exam first?
Test your readiness for the ICF Credentialing Exam here.
This exam is timed and reflects similar pace to the actual exam.
You will have 31 minutes to complete 34 situational judgement style questions; identifying the best and worst in each of the scenarios.
You will have access to take each test more than once. The answers and your score is available immediately after you complete each test.
You will have access to follow up with Melissa Pylypchuk, ICF PCC Mentor Coach to discuss your results following.
Note: These questions are not the exact questions you’ll see on the ICF exam, but is an activity designed to support you in preparation of using the core competencies and format.
Due to the nature of digital products, this is a non-refundable purchase.